
Certified Grown Folks Comedy: The Ms. Pat Show

The Ms. Pat Show streaming exclusively on BET+ can be summed up in three words……FUNNY AS HELL!. You’ll see “Certified Grown Folks Comedy” stamped on the promo and yep it’s true. Go ahead and take off your offense meter and enjoy these laughs and punchlines!  

The show is based on the life of Comedian Patricia Williams, who is no stranger to intensely harsh circumstances. She had her first child at 14, her second at 15, and started selling drugs in the streets of Atlanta to be able to provide for her family. Later on in life she married and had two more children, turned to comedy, and brought this hilarity to our screens! Talk about rising from the ashes!

While the show has a whole lotta problematic moments, you can tell that you are watching an authentic story being told and no harm is meant by the edgier things said. This might not be EVERYONE’s experience in the black community but it definitely is relatable. If not ya momma, ya auntie, if not ya auntie, ya grandma, if not ya grandma, Ms. Pat is someone in your village that helped keep you in line. While some may see Ms. Pat as a harsh woman with the constant cursing and joking during serious moments, you’d have to be blind to not see the love she has for her children and the decisions she makes to ensure they are taken care of and protected. 

In the 10 episodes several different topics are touched on from oversharing on social media, to a coming out story, gender expression, job loss, racism, inequality, and drug use. You get the real

and raw first reactions, the thought processes, and for most episodes the come back to Jesus moments that remind us this is still a 30 minute sitcom like tv show – can’t leave you unhappy for long! This is also a strictly streamed show soooo there are some things said on this show that you might not hear on everyday tv. 

Let’s get into these actresses on this show! Tami Roman has FOUND her role. She played Denise like she was Denise. According to IMDb, this is Briyana Guadalupe’s first role and I look forward to seeing her in mannnnny more. She embodied the role of the outspoken teenager and I can see her molding into many different characters if given the opportunity. Definitely have my eye on her.

All in all I give Ms. Pat a HUGE thumbs up. There are so many lessons and takeaways to gain from this show; here are just a few from me: 

Key Takeaways

  • Everyday is life or death but if you have others depending on you, life is an important choice
  • You can learn and grow from your past 
  • Old dogs are able to learn new tricks, they just need a little time, encouragement and frequent reminders

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