
Squid Game: The #1 Series on Netflix!

Squid Game is all the rave over social media and rightfully so! Netflix’s biggest debut is a survival game based on South Korean children’s games. The players are all people who are in major debt. They enter the game for the 45.6 Billion Won prize without knowing they are in D. A. N. G. E. R!

First up is Red Light, Green light. Game is simple enough. Go on Green. Stop on red. They start playing, someone gets shot, they realize these games have a HUGE TWIST! Then a whole bunch of people were just ANNIHILATED, as they try to run back to safety. 


It was a lot for a first episode and you would think that after seeing soo many people get shot when they have the opportunity to end the game there was a DEBATE?!! Ma’am, Sir, GET ME OUT OF HERE! They get to vote about going home and the majority of the players vote to end the game. The vote is left to the old man aka player 1 and HUNNY when you get to the end you gonna be MAD AF!

Now what possessed these people to come back and play this game is BEYOND me but every single one of them did. There are 6 games and only one winner meaning 455 people are going to die for one victory. Let me tell you one thing. I would have DIED DURING RED LIGHT GREEN LIGHT. And if I somehow lived. I would NOT have returned. Like the odds are not in my favor. 

What would you do to make $45.6 Billion Won? Would you trick an old man? Would you push a man through a glass floor? Would you sacrifice yourself for a friend? The show has 9 episodes and each one is as unpredictable as the next. You will easily understand how it rose to #1 on Netflix. 

I won’t spoil who wins the games, or why everyone is going to be so mad at this old man at the end or why capitalism SUCKS! But I will give you a few takeaways from the series. 

Key Takeaways

  • Morals over money ALWAYS
  • Listen to your elders they might just save your life
  • Team projects aren’t always so bad
  • Live in the moment, watching life go by is not as fun

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