
Why I love Anime

I first fell in love with Anime through Pokemon. I watched every season, every movie, and Pokemon Gold was my favorite game to play on my gameboy. (And before you try to argue me down that Pokemon is not anime – please go ahead and look up the definition). My love for anime then evolved into watching hours of Dragon Ball Z, rewatching Spirited Away for every detail I missed, and wishing that I too could be like Kiki, flying on my magic broom to deliver packages. (I have a thing for witches)!

So here are a few reasons why I love Anime

1. Anime is super relatable and heavy on the life lessons. For example my Favorite Anime of all time is Naruto. Naruto has SEVERAL important lessons for you to learn; to name a few:

  • Don’t judge a book by its cover: Naruto was the outkast but he had the biggest heart and he fought hard and loved his friends even though at times they SUCKED! 
  • Your gifts need time and practice to manifest: Sakura, while extremely brilliant, felt inadequate as a Ninja. She has great hair, she’s smart, but doesn’t have anything that gives her a real edge (unless you count her undying love for Sasuke). However with time and determination, she becomes a healer and does something extremely rare using 2 of the 5 elements: Earth and Water.
  • No dream is too big: Like I said Naruto was this big outkast! No one thought he would pass the chunin exams, no one thought he would be able to protect the leaf village, and no one ever imagined he would be the next hokage – after all he had the 9 tailed beast within him. And he did just that by continuously speaking his dream and working hard to see it through. 

2. The characters mimic humans even when they are not. Anime characters tend to have hopes, goals, and dreams, are normal people with extraordinary abilities (aka students), and they even dieeee. Anyone is up for death in anime and it can suck!! I was in tears when Kakashi died in Naruto, it was a shock as he was a VITAL character. 

3. Anime is full of amazing women with confidence AND strong physical abilities. Kaguya Otsutsuki, Ezra, Tatsumaki are just a few of the women who know their worth and charge double! 

4. Anime that you watch on TV tends to have a Manga version of it associated with it. You can absolutely pick up your favorite Manga and compare the differences!

5. It’s just great TV! Full of action, full of suspense, life lessons, unique relatable and growing characters and endlesssssss possibilities. Anime is easy to binge and entertaining to watch. 

Do you watch Anime? Let me know in the comments what’s your favorite Anime and whose your favorite character! 

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